
"Outstanding Contribution Supplier 2020" award by Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator Co., Ltd.

Release date:2022-04-07Views: 次

Time flies, it is the end of year 2020, the pandemic outsrage outbreak did not disturbed the pace of our development. On December 25, thanks to the unremitting efforts of all employees, Shanghai Jidian Electronics Technology Co., Ltd. fufilled the expectations of Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator with our high-quality service, being awarded the "Outstanding Contribution Supplier 2020" award of Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator for ensuring production and realizing exwork of the 1 millionth elevators during the pandemic. At this very moment with cheers, the sweats of our efforts pay off.
The pandemic hit our lives and work hard, but it cannot disrupt our pace of development and deminish our determinations and actions towards a win-win cooperation. Only with unswerving steps and perseverance can we get out of the dilemma and meet the new future.